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The Prairies have an incredibly fast-growing venture community, largely thanks to the work of StartupTNT, who started as a grassroots organization getting folks together on a weekly basis to build a community of angel investors. In the past, most of these large scale funds have been private equity or government-backed, and it turned out that there were so many people interested in being angel investors that simply didn’t know enough about it or about companies looking for investment.
A few weeks ago, StartupTNT hosted Summit X, with four simultaneous pitch sessions in Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatchewan, and BC. I was selected to pitch The Fort Distillery, and was blown away by the community that StartupTNT has built. Being from Fort Saskatchewan, I haven’t spent much time with the Edmonton business and startup community, and this was a great opportunity to meet so many new people who already know us and love our products.
We’ll find out soon if we make it to the finals. But for now, you can watch the pitch here.